Friday, September 28

Chic to the Core

"A Woman who doesn't wear Perfume has no Future"
- Miss Coco Chanel

I read these words today, supposedly announced by Coco Chanel herself, if only she were alive!, and I thought, could it be true? As fabulous and chic as the saying sounds, if I really didn't wear perfume would I have no future?

I tried thinking about a woman who didn't wear perfume. What would she look like, why would she be like this? And immediately my mind drifted to my step-mother-in-law, a woman who I detest immensely because she is not really a woman, she's a fat slob of a mother and wife. Anyway! - I don't think she owns perfume, which is why I thought of her.

She's a woman who doesn't own makeup, doesn't do her hair, is highly overweight (and doesn't care), and she basically lives in these massive tent-sized mom jeans and oversized tshirts that have been washed so many times the designs are all but washed away. The thought of putting perfume on would probably disgust her, why would she do that? She has no reason to. And she, she has no future.

That's rude and mean, but it's basically true. She hates her husband, she hates her house, she doesn't take care of it, she is not a good mother by any standards, she doesn't cook for her children, she doesn't do anything. She doesn't put effort into anything.

And I think that's what wearing perfume is about, putting some effort into yourself. For someone like her putting any effort into yourself seems like wasted time.

But for the fabulous, beautiful girls, putting on makeup, doing our hair, and spritzing ourselves with our favourite perfume is investing time and money in ourselves - for we are our highest priority.

And is it not true that when you invest you will get returns? Seriously, follow me on this one. When you invest in a stock that is doing well, you get your money back (I don't know stocks and bonds, but just pretend it sounds smart), but why would you invest in some crap stock that sucks? It's not going anywhere.

So is a woman that doesn't wear perfume like a crap stock? She might seriously have no future. If you put time and effort into yourself, you show to the world that you care and love yourself, and that you expect the same care from those you come in contact with. Yet if you show your appearance to be lacking, then people don't show you the same respect or love that you might want or need.

So was Coco Chanel really a huge philanthropist when she stated that a woman who doesn't wear perfume doesn't have a future? I don't know.

She may be on to something though.

She was chic and fabulous to the core.

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